[urq] Somewhat NAC, but relevant - where to get a wireless serial cable - huh?

Claus Vegener vegener at post7.tele.dk
Mon Sep 10 09:50:53 PDT 2007

Compared to the cost of much goodies for the beloved car, an extra laptop 
could be an option 650$
and using a program like PC Anywhere, NetOp etc where you have the screen of 
another computer at you own computer. Works through the Internet. May be 
Bluetooth or IR. Two  cellular phones could do this job.
I could want to use it for my 034EFI too -
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
To: "'Taka Mizutani'" <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Somewhat NAC,but relevant - where to get a wireless 
serial cable - huh?

Comments embedded below..

From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:08 PM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: Re: Somewhat NAC, but relevant - where to get a wireless serial 
- huh?

Let me get this straight - You want to be able to connect your laptop to the
Megasquirt without using any wires at all?

*** That is right.

I don't think that is feasible, Ben.

*** Of course it is feasible – I could build one myself.  Just want 
“Off the Shelf”.  Only so much time to make one off solutions for things 

You would need some sort of wireless transceiver hooked up to the Megasquirt
(if the data rate was low enough, Bluetooth would work well for this kind of
thing) and then a wireless transceiver hooked up to the laptop.

*** Yep, but seems expensive from what I’m seeing so far.

Laptop side is no issue, but I don't think you could do it on the ECU side-
you'd need to supply power to the transceiver and you'd need something that
supports a legacy serial connection.

*** The ECU communicates serial protocol – which is not much protocol at 
We just need to make it wireless.  Power might be an issue, and that is I
understand why USB has mushroomed, since it provides Phantom power.

I think you're stuck- the only people I know that use a wireless connection 
the ECU are the big motorsports teams that have real-time telemetry and
real-time reprogramming of their ECUs. That's probably big $$$$.

*** I have been working on quite a few niche solutions for things lately.
Products that aren’t there that ought to be.  Looks like here is another.


On 9/10/07, Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:

OK wireless cable is somewhat of an oxymoron, but that is essentially the
function.  I have been working on tuning my Megasquirt configuration using 
IBM Thinkpad laptop.  The tiny mouse rubber is too difficult for me to use 

the car, so I got a wireless mouse that connects to the USB port – would be
nice for them to have let this go to the mouse port so I don't tie up my 
USB port, but anyway that problem is resolved for now.

However – I would like to be able to take my laptop out of the car without
dealing with the serial cable that is used to communicate with and probram 
Megasquirt unit.  Even better if I could locate the unit where I don't have 

touch it.  Presently there is a 9' serial cable – DB9 one end and DB25 the
other end with DB9-25 adaptor going into the laptop.  It is a pain to deal

So does anyone make an adaptor that plugs into DB9 port on laptop the 

a wireless serial interface?  Could not believe the lack of things like this
at Circuit city – did not even find a DB9-DB9 cable.


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