[urq] Somewhat NAC, but relevant - where to get a wireless serial cable - huh?

Bob bob at maxboostracing.com
Mon Sep 10 09:51:21 PDT 2007

I do this all the time with mine. Check out the iogear serial adapter


I use it for configuring cisco gear as well, it just works great. You 
need bluetooth on your laptop but if you dont have it, small usb 
adapters are about $6-10 on ebay all day long.

Ben Swann wrote:
> Right, it is a matter of perspective –market conditions prevail and I am not
> going to pay for this.  
> I want a cheap solution – I’m using Megasquirt not other much more expensive
> EFI system.  Darn connection would cost more than the components to build the
> EFI unit.
> OK – if someone knows LMK otherwise, I can deal with a wire.  It was the mouse
> situation that was killing me – now I have a wirelees mouse with optical
> sensor and the leather seat makes a great mousepad.
> Ben
>   _____  
> From: Jason Kohls [mailto:jasonkohls at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:34 PM
> To: Ben Swann
> Cc: Taka Mizutani; urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Somewhat NAC, but relevant - where to get a wireless serial cable
> - huh?
> For what you're asking for, I don't think 200 bucks is an expensive price to
> pay: you're talking about a niche product/application that cannot/would not be
> mass-produced for sheer market reasons alone.  Plus, like Taka said, you have
> to power it, provide it with some sort of embedded chip/firmware that would
> handle the wireless connectivity, etc. so $200 bucks doesn't sound
> unreasonable at all to me, but I work in IT, and we spend megabucks all the
> time on seemingly "simple" hardware :) 
> On 9/10/07, Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
> Comments embedded below..
> From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:08 PM
> To: Ben Swann
> Subject: Re: Somewhat NAC, but relevant - where to get a wireless serial cable
> - huh?
> Let me get this straight - You want to be able to connect your laptop to the
> Megasquirt without using any wires at all?
> *** That is right.
> I don't think that is feasible, Ben. 
> *** Of course it is feasible – I could build one myself.  Just want something
> "Off the Shelf".  Only so much time to make one off solutions for things like
> these.
> You would need some sort of wireless transceiver hooked up to the Megasquirt 
> (if the data rate was low enough, Bluetooth would work well for this kind of
> thing) and then a wireless transceiver hooked up to the laptop.
> *** Yep, but seems expensive from what I'm seeing so far.
> Laptop side is no issue, but I don't think you could do it on the ECU side- 
> you'd need to supply power to the transceiver and you'd need something that
> supports a legacy serial connection.
> *** The ECU communicates serial protocol – which is not much protocol at all.
> We just need to make it wireless.  Power might be an issue, and that is I 
> understand why USB has mushroomed, since it provides Phantom power.
> I think you're stuck- the only people I know that use a wireless connection to
> the ECU are the big motorsports teams that have real-time telemetry and 
> real-time reprogramming of their ECUs. That's probably big $$$$.
> *** I have been working on quite a few niche solutions for things lately.
> Products that aren't there that ought to be.  Looks like here is another. 
> Taka
> On 9/10/07, Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
> OK wireless cable is somewhat of an oxymoron, but that is essentially the
> function.  I have been working on tuning my Megasquirt configuration using an 
> IBM Thinkpad laptop.  The tiny mouse rubber is too difficult for me to use  in
> the car, so I got a wireless mouse that connects to the USB port – would be
> nice for them to have let this go to the mouse port so I don't tie up my only 
> USB port, but anyway that problem is resolved for now.
> However – I would like to be able to take my laptop out of the car without
> dealing with the serial cable that is used to communicate with and probram the
> Megasquirt unit.  Even better if I could locate the unit where I don't have to
> touch it.  Presently there is a 9' serial cable – DB9 one end and DB25 the
> other end with DB9-25 adaptor going into the laptop.  It is a pain to deal 
> with.
> So does anyone make an adaptor that plugs into DB9 port on laptop the provides
> a wireless serial interface?  Could not believe the lack of things like this
> at Circuit city – did not even find a DB9-DB9 cable. 
> Ben
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