[urq] Urq paint, amazon blue found:

Bob bob at maxboostracing.com
Wed Sep 12 17:39:50 PDT 2007

Well.. apparently the mailer strips html, but really, when I sent it, it 
had cool color swatches with it!
if you go to paintscratch.com you can see them

Bob wrote:
> Aha!
> *Audi* color codes can be shown differently on your vehicle. For 
> example, the code *LY9B/A2* can be shown as *LY9B* or *A2* on your car. 
> Please note that some of the Pre-1980 Audi colors shown are estimates. 
> If your color code matches, this is your paint even if the color shown 
> is off! We mix the paint by color code, not what is shown on the screen.
> * 1985 Audi Quattro*   Locate Color Identification Plate 
> <http://www.paintscratch.com/colALL.htm>     * FAQ'S* 
> <javascript:makeWin('http://www.paintscratch.com/faqs.htm')>.
>   	*  Color* 	*  Color Description* 	*  Color Code*
> 	  	 Alpine White 	* L90E *
> 	  	 Nevada Beige 	* LAIN *
> 	  	 Calahari Beige Metallic Clearcoat 	* LA1Y *
> 	  	 Lhasa Green Metallic Clearcoat 	* LA6V *
> 	  	 Titan Red Metallic Clearcoat 	* LB3V *
> 	  	 Graphite Black Metallic Clearcoat 	* LB7V *
> 	  	 Mahogany Brown Metallic Clearcoat 	* LB8Z *
> 	  	 Tornado Red 	* LY3D *
> 	  	 Sapphire Metallic Clearcoat 	* LY5V *
> 	  	 Amazon Blue Metallic Clearcoat 	* LY5Y *
> 	  	 Oceanic Blue Metallic Clearcoat 	* LY6V *
> 	  	 Stone Gray Metallic Clearcoat 	* LY7U *
> 	  	 Zermatt Silver Metallic Clearcoat 	* LY7Y*
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