[urq] Seat Dye

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 13 23:30:07 PDT 2007

About 18 years ago I changed the colour of the leather seats on my 1963
Daimler V8 from a rather tired looking and grim grey to red using a product
called VinylKote. I'm not sure if it still exists (I think it does because
I've just done a google search) but the seats are still a glorious red and
have aged well now looking like old red seats. It was easy to do and has
lasted well. If your leather is not as supple as it was use Connolly Hide
Food - it's the best at reviving tired leather but I'm not sure how this
goes with Vinylkote - you may have to colour the seats before applying hide
food or it may affect the adhsion of the vinylkote.It will say in the
vinylkote instructions anyway.
Hope this helps


'87 WR

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
To: "'Urq list'" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:03 PM
Subject: [urq] Seat Dye

> Has anybody tried re-dying their seats?  I'm hoping there is a good
> wipe-on type dye.  Would be looking for the chocolate brown from '83 MY
> cars.
> My seats are a little on the dry side - put some Color Plus Softener on
> them over the weekend and put plastic wrap over them while in the sun -
> they seem a little better now - will do another application.  The color
> seems a little lighter in some areas now, tho...
> Brandon
> '84 ur
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