[urq] Rattle at higher rpm
spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 19 11:50:28 PDT 2007
Oh yes!. It was the alternator pulley rubbing on the intercooler end tank
under high load. Reason? The pully size altered through urq production and
consequently so did the belt size. My car had wrong belt size which when it
wore it meant adjustment was needed and this moved it closer to the i/c.
When accelerating it would touch the I/c. Fixed with right size belt
Also had another rattle at one point and it was a loose heatshield cause by
oversight when rebuilding.
As an aside, years ago I used to look after my folks car (still do
actually). Anyway they had a squeak that I couldn't find. In the end I gace
up and bought them an in car CD player for Christmas - the moans about the
squeak ceased at that point.
'87 WR (with no squeaks or rattles, just a burble)
----- Original Message -----
From: "fdekat" <fdekat at sentex.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Rattle at higher rpm
> > Message: 3
> > Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:38:57 -0600
> > From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
> > Subject: [urq] Rattle at higher rpm
> > To: "'Urq list'" <urq at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <007201c7f949$44e0f1f0$2c01a8c0 at BCROGERS>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >
> > So this is not a fair question (an I kinda know the answer - in that I
> > know I just need to get under there and listen with somebody helping me
> > on the throttle) but I'm going to throw it out there anyway...
> >
> > For years I've had this annoying, fairly loud rattle - like a loose bolt
> > or something, when I'm driving and the motor revs to about 4000+ and I
> > shift. This rattle has survived a motor swap and a cat swap. It's
> > definitely metal on metal and goes away as revs fall. And it does not
> > happen until the engine is warm/hot. I'm thinking I need to get the
> > engine hot, put the car up on ramps and carefull crawl under there (a
> > little bit) and have somebody rev the motor. Any other thoughts???
> > Obvious places to look for something loose? Maybe an odd bolt on the
> > tranny? Any BTDT?
> >
> > TIA-
> >
> > Brandon
> > '84 ur
> I too had a similar noise/problem (but temperature didn't matter). The
> was really annoying, and really made the car feel 'wrong' when revving.
> I couldn't find the problem until I pulled the head off to fix a blown
> gasket.
> Seems as thought the starter heat shield had partially rotted away, and as
> reves rose, it must have vibrated more. When I had the head off, I
> the heat shield, and after the motor seemd WAY smoother when revved up. I
> never realized that was what was causing the problem, until I tried out
> car after the repairs. A 'bonus fix' as it were!
> Could be some slack in the bolts the hold the downpipe to the exhaust/cat
> too, I suppose...
> =Frank=
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