[urq] I'm a NO GO. SORRY!

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 1 01:37:28 PDT 2008

Hey Guys,

Final word is in on me.  I'm a No Go.
I'm in Belize Central American on work and I was really hoping to get home
on Thursday so I could drive out on Friday.  There is NO way the ur-q would
have made it as the Engine is out and in Pieces.  I was hoping to at least
come in my 91' CQ and bring pics of both my ur-q's.  #173 and (#171??)  Not
sure on the last one.

Anyhow, I cant make it.  I'll be stuck here through the weekend.
I wish you ALL the best and I'm truly going to miss the event.  I was really
looking forward to seeing some old faces and meeting some new ones.  I'll
really miss the event.  Please take LOTS of pics as I want to at least see
it all.

If anyone has not seem my ur-q build.  Its on Motorgeek.


I have to prefact that I would nto have caged a ur-q.  But I bought this one
already cut up as a shell with no suspension, no interior, etc.

Best of luck everyone and Thanks to everyone that put all the work into
this.  I'll be sorry I didn't go for the next 25 years of my life!

Take care

Todd "zarati"

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