[urq] Radiator cooling fan

Thatcher Hubbard thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 14:41:07 PDT 2008

As long as it's functioning correctly, you can let the existing cooling fan
circuit handle it, which is about the only part of the 034EFI swap that was
easy. Of course, mine was a total mess, and I still don't have the high
speed circuit working, which is bad, because when it tries to trigger the
high speed and it doesn't come on, that doesn't mean that the medium circuit
continues to function.
I've decided that the best setup is probably a SPAL fan (quieter, better air
volume) and an independently wired SPAL controller.  Not even that

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Louis-Alain Richard
<larichard at plguide.com>wrote:

> Cooling fan is triggered only by the radiator fan switch for the 2 lower
> speeds (same switch, but speed is slow when engine is off, medium when
> engine is on). The high speed is commanded by either the tubular switch
> which is in line with the hose under the reservoir, or by the AC relay in
> the glovebox ceiling. That is for the 1983 with the old-style fusebox.
> Louis-Alain
> -----Message d'origine-----
> Can anyone confirm whether or not the cooling fan is independent of the
> ECU?
> Im about to do the first start of my UrQ 034efi swap and this has been in
> the back of my mind.
> The 034 can trigger the fan if required but I was hoping the cooling
> circuit was self sufficient and didn't need input from the ECU
> Thanks in advance guys
> sean
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