[urq] Looks like no go for me

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Thu Aug 7 12:56:41 PDT 2008


It is with deep regrets that I and DA900302 won't be attending Urq 25 NA.  302 is currently in the shop with a cracked EM and broken shift bushings among other things.  I was hoping it would get put together in time for a road trip, but it just wasn't in the cards. Unfortunately, I also know of 6 other urqs that won't be attending due to various reasons.  I'm going to miss meeting all the guys whose posts I've been reading all these years.  I really enjoyed the last meeting at Salt Lake City and hope you all have a fantastic time.

Take lots of pictures!

May all your urqs run smoothly to and from the event!

Tony Lum
'83 ur-quattro #302

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