[urq] urq25 video

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Wed Aug 13 08:17:28 PDT 2008

Sorry to hear about the audio issue.. I am sure we can visit few dyno
tuning shops and dub something in ;)
Even without audio I would love to see some of the footage, his camera
looked very intimidating.


> Brandon Rogers
> Guys -
> Regarding video-
> As most of you saw - a good friend of mine did some video shooting - but
> it
> looks like he had an issue with the audio - big bummer.  I happened to
> take
> some with my camera - I know a few others did , too.
> He is actually a video post-production guy - I'm sure you've seen shows
> and
> commercials he has done.  He will make a cool dvd if we can supply him the
> raw footage.  SO _ if you send me your raw video - we'll compile it all
> into
> a cool video/dvd - assuming we get enough.  WE WILL send it back to you -
> I
> promise.
> Feel free to shoot me an email.
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of Fluhr
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:34 PM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] urq25 more thoughts
> Mike Hopton said:
>>Martin, Matthew and I rolled in to Toronto ~2.30AM Tuesday morning,
>>5,700 kms.
> Mike, Matthew, & Martin, I am glad to hear you guys arrived home safely.
> Robert Dupree and I had a STUNNING drive down highway 82 over
> Independence Pass and then down 69 out to I25 south of Pueblo.
> Unbelievable
> drive with fast and fun twisty roads, and absolutely on the top of my list
> as one of the most beautiful drives in
> the states.   Everyone should put this on their must-do list.
> I'm so jealous of the Colorado contingent!
> I have some in-car video of all the Urqs on parade at the track, which I
> will post later after I get settled.  My thanks to those of you who worked
> so hard to put this together.  It was worth all 2700 miles of driving!
> My highlights:
> (1) Colorado is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
> (2) Pulling into the hotel parking lot Friday night and seeing
>     more Urqs in one place than I will ever see sum-total in the
>     rest of my life
> (3) Listening to Karl's stories, particularly leading to the Viton
>     o-rings
> (4) After-party in the parking lot involving EFI, beers, and cops
> (5) Putting faces to names I've known a long time
> (6) Exploding center differentials
> (7) Urq25 trivia, and the resulting arguments!
> Later,
> Eric
> '82 urq - back safe and sound, deep in the heart of Texas
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