[urq] Suspension mods sequel

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 19 11:28:00 PDT 2008

Are you saying there are only Bilstein Sports for the rear?  That is NOT Correct.  I have bought many sets.

For stock springs you would want the HD's. Rears are the Same PN as the 4000quattro Rears.  Front are rears are VERY Close in specs, on my 4ktq (With ur-q Suspensioin but Longer Rear Springs) I'm running Fronts in the Rear as well as I have very rought roads and wanted the extra Length on Extension.  See Specs Below

Front PN – HD’s -  P36-3016
        Compressed:     	435.0	/ 17.13” 
	Extended:		548.5	/ 21.59”
	Travel:			113.5	/ 4.47”
	Valving:		174/43 

Rear PN  - HD’s - P36-3017
        Compressed:		440.0	/ 17.32
	Extended:		538.5	/ 21.20
	Travel:			98.5	/ 3.88”
	Valving:		197/47

Hope thaty Helps.  I get all my stuff from SHOX.COM   If you ask for Bob Graff he seems to know the Audi's alright and can get you set up.

OH!  And for me on rought roads the H&R's are too stiff.  At least for Daily Driver or Highway Adventure duty.  On my CQ I opted for Eibachs and Bilstien Sports.  On my ur-q I have Eibachs but it doesn't run, so no idea how I like it.  But on the 91' CQ I love that setup.   I also love the stock springs with HD's for a daily driver but its hard to find stock ones that arent sagging in the rear anymore.

--- On Mon, 8/18/08, packley <packley at verizon.net> wrote:

> From: packley <packley at verizon.net>
> Subject: [urq] Suspension mods sequel
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 10:47 PM
> Thanks for the input, my problem it turns out is the Delrin
> bushings are too
> severe
> for the road, and all of a sudden are getting very creaky
> noisy.  
> Anyone know a source for polyurethane or other bushings. I
> know someone out
> there markets a red-colored bushing.
> Martin tells me that only HD are available for fronts and
> sport rears.  I
> guess that is
> the only way to go, unless someone else makes  a matched
> set for urqs.
> Looking
> for options here.
> Thanks for help.
> Phil
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