[urq] Urq25 photos

Ben Howell bhowell at rmi.net
Tue Aug 19 21:00:27 PDT 2008

Eric, GREAT pictures and it was a pleasure to meet you! Thanks for sharing!

I didn't have much of a chance to take pictures all weekend, so it's good to see what everyone else saw with thier camera. I did a "dump" of everything I have and it's here:



-----Original Message-----
>From: Fluhr <ejfluhr at austin.ibm.com>
>Sent: Aug 19, 2008 9:00 PM
>To: urq at audifans.com
>Subject: [urq] Urq25 photos
>I don't recall sending this to the list.  Sorry if it is a duplicate.
>I have my photos online:
>My thanks to Sean McClane for taking a round at the track.
>Videos to follow, when I get a chance to process them.
>'82 urq
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