[urq] Radio Reception

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Thu Aug 21 13:24:10 PDT 2008

 Wagons under the rear seat, sedans under the rear parcel shelf.

-Chris Semple
Concord NH
'84 4000q
    '99 Miata
        '02 Passat 4Motion Wagon std
> The type 44's DO have an amplifier, I just can't recall where it is.
> However, it also MUST be fused (Or Col. Klink designed the circuit). Any
> ideas on what fuse it's on.
> And, BTW, there is no easy factory style replacement. In Type 44's, it's a
> trace on the rear window, (or a FUBA if an Avant) AND a trace on the
> windshield. .
> LL - NY
> On 8/21/08, Mark R <speedracer.mark at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Max,
>> I *think* the factory antenna is amplified.  The wiring diagram will
>> confirm
>> this.  I know you don't have a roof-mount FUBA, but the symptoms are
>> classic
>> VW FUBA bad amplifier.
>> As other's suggested, check the wiring and grounds.  Could be a short in
>> the
>> cable, head unit, etc.
>> Mark Rosenkrantz

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