[urq] SEMA Urgent Legislative Alert: California Lawmaker Trying

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 20:19:51 PDT 2008

I think it was Steve B to quote stating, "preserving your rights as an
owner" ,,and that is the real issue here folks, Property Rights. None of us
truly own our quattros and if we did there wouldnt be this issue. Weve
contracted our rights away and got the 'priviledge' of emissions testing,
inspections, etc. for our 'safety' .. Now only getting worse with Co2

One of the keys to ur-quatt private property ownership without prejudice is
obtaining the Manufacturers Certificate of Origin. Maybe someone here is
well associated enough with Audi to obtain these records if they werent
destroyed after the so called sale. I would sure like to see one and am
learning how to obtain an actual un_a_lien_able title for my own since MCO's
are hard to obtain, unless you bought your q in lawful money,(ie
gold/silver) in full, originally, and specifically requested it..

If you want a better handle on what im getting at, feel free to learn here:

Without Prejudice UCC 1-308

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:

> Brett,
> The cost and efforts I've had to go to to keep my '83 Ur Quattro registered
> and pass
> bi-annual inspection probably wastes more time and generates more pollution
> than if it
> weren't required.  I had to get the car running, work out some issues and
> drive the car
> more miles to get to/through inspection than if there was not requirement.
>  I had just
> put in a new engine and have not worked out the issues and now will likely
> have to get a
> waiver or re-register the car as historic.  AFAIK the whole thing is a
> boondoggle in my
> state ( Maryland ).  The law should recognise that enthusiasts who own
> these older cars
> do their best anyway to keep things in good tune.
> I haven't put more than 10K miles on the car since I've owned it and have
> had to get
> through emissions 4 times already.  Really it is ridiculous to have to have
> the older
> cars that aren't driven as daily drivers to go through - they couldn't even
> find mine on
> their list.
> Ben
> [Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 22:37:18 -0400
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at frank.mercea.net>
> Subject: Re: SEMA Urgent Legislative Alert: California Lawmaker Trying
>        to      Sneak by a Bill to Require...
> To: Steven B <urq222 at ymail.com>
> Cc: v8 at audifans.com, quattro at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <5B112E88-1B25-47CD-B2D7-947E06485377 at frank.mercea.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> On Aug 27, 2008, at 6:31 PM, Steven B wrote:
> > I suppose many folks here are like me ... NONE of the Audis I own
> > are new than 15 model years old.  It is frustrating enough to have
> > to go in every other year for a SMOG check, and now California is
> > trying to sneak in a change to make it every year.  I hope every
> > California audifan will deem this important enough to take a few
> > minutes to have your voice heard on this subject.  If you are
> > interested in preserving your rights as an owner of older vehicles
> > you might want to consider joining SEMA.
> For decades, states had annual emissions inspections.  What's the
> problem?
> Also, I don't buy that crap about "small proportion of vehicles"-
> these days, one car older car in bad condition can put out emissions
> an order of magnitude greater than a several-year-old LEV/ULEV vehicle.
> Brett]
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