[urq] Finding time to work on cars.

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 1 07:51:18 PST 2008

I've set (and missed) several goals for completing the restoration of my '65 MGB, Martin..... Keep getting interrupted by too much other
stuff (job, kids, life, etc). 

 Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
couple of MGB's
Central NJ USA

From: Martin Pajak <martin at quattro.ca>
To: Louis-Alain Richard <larichard at plguide.com>
Cc: urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 1:21:39 PM
Subject: Finding time to work on cars.

I told myself I would be lucky if I am done in 8 years.. and now I am
thinking even that was a bit optimistic :(

Martin Pajak


1982 Audi Ur-quattro, SQ project
1983 Audi 80 quattro, Euro 2-Tür
1986 Audi 4000cs quattro, 2,5 TDI mit 6 gang
1987 Audi 4000s quattro, wintervagen mit 7A und 5 bolt :)

> Louis-Alain Richard
> You know what ?
> Honey and the 2 girls left home two minutes ago for 3 days in Quebec City
> so
> I can work more efficiently ! As my office is at home now, my days are
> 10h00AM to 4h00PM, and a bit of work at night after the older one is
> asleep.
> As for work on the car, it is indeed last in the list of priorities,
> sadly.
> But the kids will grow, taking less and less time, and then who knows ?
> You
> just have to wait a dozen years... :-)
> Louis-Alain

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