[urq] Door Rings installation
audionly at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 11:19:13 PST 2008
1 Make sure the surface area is clean and dry with no wax or oils (clean
with some type of alcohol based solvent like Windex glass cleaner. Also; the
warmer, the better
2. Orient the rings in the correct position. If you have the originals; the
alignment marks are backwards as far as left and right orientation to the
front edge of the door. Once you have the decal in the correct position; put
a piece of painters tape all the way across the top of the decal to act as a
"hinge" for the decal on the door.
3. Recheck decal to make sure fade is toward rear of car and alignment is
4. Lift up bottom of decal and peal off protective paper and be sure to hold
decal away from door.
5. Pulling down and out slightly on the lower corner of the decal; move
bottom of decal towards door.
6. Use squeegee provided (or credit card) with downward movements over
entire decal.
7. Peel top protective cover from decal.
HTH...................... Peter
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Ed Torres <bike-doctor at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry I forgot to change the subject lineDoes, any one knows how to install
> the 2 rings in the door. I am almost finishing restoreing my 1985 UR
> (WA...FA901038).I would like to install them wiout any bobbles, since it was
> hard to find these factory rings.Thanks
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