[urq] Door Rings installation

Ed Torres bike-doctor at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 4 13:10:42 PST 2008

Thanks everyone, I think I got enough information to do the job correct.                              ~~  __o                      ~~~~ _   \  < _   Ed Torres  ~~~~~ (     ) /  (     )  ™Norwalk Ct 06855RIDE SAFE & SMOOTH!!  
  > From: audiquattro at telia.com> To: urq at audifans.com> Subject: SV: [urq] Door Rings installation> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 21:12:22 +0100> > I work with decals. You said you want to avoid bobbles.> You should definitely use soap water to be sure.> > I agree to all below, but between 4 and 5 apply soap water on the car.> ONE drip of dishwasher detergent is enough in a normal spray bottle (0,1> gallon)> And be tough with the scraper! As hard as you dare...> From top(tape) to bottom> > After the assembly, do not peel of the top cover until next day.> (in low temperature, wait more or warm with a heater)> > > Best regards> Magnus Bondesson> Team Sportquattro, Sweden> >  > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----> Från: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] För Peter> Skickat: den 4 december 2008 20:19> Till: Ed Torres> Kopia: urq at audifans.com; lucky_doggg7 at yahoo.com> Ämne: Re: [urq] Door Rings installation> > 1 Make sure the surface area is clean and dry with no wax or oils (clean> with some type of alcohol based solvent like Windex glass cleaner. Also; the> warmer, the better> > 2. Orient the rings in the correct position. If you have the originals; the> alignment marks are backwards as far as left and right orientation to the> front edge of the door. Once you have the decal in the correct position; put> a piece of painters tape all the way across the top of the decal to act as a> "hinge" for the decal on the door.> > 3. Recheck decal to make sure fade is toward rear of car and alignment is> correct.> > 4. Lift up bottom of decal and peal off protective paper and be sure to hold> decal away from door.> > 5. Pulling down and out slightly on the lower corner of the decal; move> bottom of decal towards door.> > 6. Use squeegee provided (or credit card) with downward movements over> entire decal.> > 7. Peel top protective cover from decal.> > HTH...................... Peter> > On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Ed Torres <bike-doctor at hotmail.com> wrote:> > >> >> > Sorry I forgot to change the subject lineDoes, any one knows how to> install> > the 2 rings in the door. I am almost finishing restoreing my 1985 UR> > (WA...FA901038).I would like to install them wiout any bobbles, since it> was> > hard to find these factory rings.Thanks> > _________________________________________________________________> > Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills.> >> >> http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_speed_1> 22008> > _______________________________________________> > Audifans urq mailing list> > Send posts to: mailto:urq at audifans.com> > Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/urq> >> > North American Celebration of the 25th Anniversary for the urquattro:> > http://www.urq25.com/> >> > Pictures/Polls/Database at: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/urquattro/> >> > You can help keep the audifans site running by shopping at> > http://audifans.com/shop/> >> > > > -- > Audionly LLC 2060 West Radcliff Ave. Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone 303> 789-3633 Fax 303 781-7544. New, Used, Aftermarket and Specialty parts for> Audi.> WWW.URQ25.COM> It's about the car...> _______________________________________________> Audifans urq mailing list> Send posts to: mailto:urq at audifans.com> Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/urq> > North American Celebration of the 25th Anniversary for the urquattro:> http://www.urq25.com/> > Pictures/Polls/Database at: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/urquattro/> > You can help keep the audifans site running by shopping at> http://audifans.com/shop/> 
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