[urq] wastegate diaphragm

j.koenig koenigj at comcast.net
Sun Dec 7 08:31:04 PST 2008

My info. converts 1.9 bar to just over 27.5 psi ?!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "urq" <urq at pacbell.net>
Hey, are you running a stock MAC-02 in your car?  If so, I'd be a bit
surprised to hear that the fuel pump didn't shut down.  If your car is
chipped then there's probably nothing to worry about, but if it is stock you
might want to look into the pressure transducer.  Looking at the IST, at
anything above 2500RPM the limit is set at 1.9 bar, which is less than

Good luck!
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

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