[urq] CQ & urq Rear brake upgrade & Compariso
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 15 08:29:36 PST 2008
Great link on Audifans.
Nice Writeup.
Now if only I can find a similar thing for the CQ.
Thanks for the links
> From: Andrew B <andrew.sb at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:02:04 -0500
> To: Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at yahoo.com>
> Cc: <spcole at comcast.net>, urq list <urq at audifans.com>, 20v list
> <20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] CQ & urq Rear brake upgrade & Compariso
> See:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/quattro/msgs/3884.phtml
> and
> http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/urq/2005-July/006648.html
> I believe these are correct, but IIRC it's s// rotors, 200/v8/s//
> calipers, and either carrier. The correct info should probably go in
> the wiki, but I don't know how to add it.
> -Andrew
> On 1/13/08, Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> OK,
>> I posted this a little while ago to just the 20v list. I'm still confused.
>> This is in two parts. 1 is urq. 2 is CQ.
>> For UR-Q, it seems the upgrade path would be
>> -V8/S4 Rotors
>> - V8/S4/200 20v Calipers & Carriers.
>> QUESTION: If I'm runing 4kq rear hubs, how does this effect it? The 4kq
>> rear hubs and rotors have a lot less offset than ur-q rotors. Is there a
>> rotor that would work in this scenario?
>> NOW:
>> But for a 91' CQ what would it be? I know the rotors would have to be
>> redrilled if I"m not using 5-bolt hubs. That's no big deal.
>> OR...Alternatively, can I put my ur-q Rear Calipers on the CQ and then
>> upgrade the UR-Q which will have significantly more power?
>> I guess the real question here is WHAT rear calipers are directly swappable
>> with the CQ rears. All the 5ktq/200/4kq/5ktq etc rears are basically the
>> same rear caliper but they are not all swappable due to different E-brake
>> mechanisms, orientations, etc.
>> A) What caliper cold I replace my bad CQ Drivers Rear with if I wanted to
>> just get it back on the road.
>> B) What combination would I need to upgrade to the Vented Setup.
>> Thanks
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