[urq] CQ & urq Rear brake upgrade & Comparison

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Mon Jan 14 15:01:00 PST 2008

Already made that mistake.  The 200 20V rear disc has a very shallow hat.  The urS4 and V8 rotors have the deep hats and work fine on the urq.  You also need the calipers from the same cars.  I think you use the parking brake cables from the 4kq.

'83 ur-quattro #302

Andrew <afinn1 at gmail.com> wrote: Todd, if you're using 4KQ hubs... aren't they 4 bolts. Won't work. As for
the rotors I have done this conversion on 2 urqs, so you'd think I remember,
but I think the V8 urS4 rotors don't work, you need the 200 ones (because of
offset issues). It could be the other way around, but I'm pretty sure.....

Andrew Finney
1985 UrQ
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