[urq] WX 000454 is RIP
spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 31 12:56:52 PST 2008
Very sorry to hear your news. Usual reason for a melt is lean mixture/bad
timing issue.
I can't help much but I have just been out to my car to look at head casting
numbers - I bought my head brand new from Audi 6 years ago and the engine is
a WR. The casting number is 035 103 373 AK but I still have the part sticker
on the head and the part number is 035 103 265 JX.
I hope this helps determine whether any you find for sale will do the job.
Good luck and all the best.
'87 WR in sunny England. Smow expected tomorrow and diff-locks ready!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Louis-Alain Richard" <larichard at plguide.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Cc: "Geraint Lloyd" <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca>; <info at dynodoc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:10 AM
Subject: [urq] WX 000454 is RIP
> Hi everyone,
> My trusty WX had a little hiccup last Sunday, on the way to Mecaglisse ice
> lapping day. The head gasket blew between cylinder 4 and 5, and the result
> is a dead WX. The head, rebuilt less than 4 years ago, is shot, material
> gone between the 2 cylinders, and the #4 piston is partly melted as well.
> a new engine is in the future for my car. We also found that the turbo as
> small crack and the exhaust manifold is a little warped too. Oh well.
> I would prefer to do a repair using as many stock parts as possible. There
> is 2 WX for sale now, but each are far from here, and they have a lot of
> miles on them too. I have not decided against any of them yet. There is
> a WX short block pro-rebuilt available on ebay, but then, I need a head
> a turbo.
> I would too evaluate a MC swap, either with the WX CIS or the MC system. I
> want the car back on the road as fast as possible, to prevent the "car
> sit too long for repair" syndrome.
> So any of you has something for me ? A rebuild head (WX, KH, WK or WR)
> be fine, a good used K26 or K24 too, stock or oversized pistons, etc.
> Or a complete engine with all the surroundings, either a WX or a MC.
> Speaking of heads, there is a bunch of 2,1 liter rebuilts available for
> cheap, one is 25$ now on ebay and a guy on vwvortex has many of them,( 035
> 103 373H is the casting number) but no one knows for sure on which engine
> they fit. Are they hydraulic or solid ? If solid, then could I buy one and
> transfer the cam/valves from my engine ? Links are here :
> http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3596751 and
> http://tinyurl.com/3cnm2d
> Oh, last question: what would cause a gasket failure like this ? When I
> asked Geraint and Brady this very question, they answered (collectively
> laughing) : " Why bother, it's screwed, man ". Well, I want to be sure
> the failure was not caused by a clogged injector, or an air leak, or
> something else that would resurface with the next engine. The shame is the
> car was going very well prior to that, accelerating hard without any
> hiccups. The failure happened after an half hour drive at 75 mph, then we
> left the highway to take a regional road. Starting from stop, I did my
> 0-60 WOT acceleration, then kaboom ! I kept running for a few kilometers,
> find a safe spot to stop. That distance is surely responsible for the
> piston/head meltdown, (my fault), but what caused the first gasket failure
> The car was filled with fresh 94 unleaded from the day before.
> Enough for now,
> Louis-Alain
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