[urq] Brake pressure regulator

milisen milisen at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 15 13:33:53 PDT 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: milisen  <milisen at hotmail.com>
Sent: 7/15/2008 4:35:01 PM
To: wbremer  <wbremer at maine.rr.com>
Subject: RE: [urq] Brake pressure regulator

Hi & thanks for the answer,

if its not too much bother I'd be glad if you could check the product number!

I'm actually very interested in this option despite I'm trying to keep the urq original. Has anyone here with an adjustable valve experimented how the handling changes when you apply more brake power to the back? I suppose left foot braking works really nicely with more power to the back! Talking of...has anyone
dared to try left foot braking with the urq?

Approximately how much did the valve cost? 

Johan H
Helsinki, Finland

-----Original Message-----
From: wbremer <wbremer at maine.rr.com>
Sent: 7/15/2008 1:24:06 AM
To: 'milisen ' <milisen at hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [urq] Brake pressure regulator

There are manual, adjustable brake bias valves that are often used in the
earlier urqs when someone converts the front brakes from the single-piston
calipers to the double-piston G60 calipers.  When this conversion is done,
the factory front/rear brake bias valve (the one that is leaking on your
car) is somewhat dangerous in that the rear brakes can lock up in a panic
stop.  A company called Tilton makes them here in the States.  If you want
to investigate that approach, I'll find the model number of the one that I
put on my Euro '82 urq.  It has a handle and five different front/rear bias
positions.  It is an easy install (maybe you need to get one extra short
brake line made) and it has worked on my car without problems since 1996.

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of milisen 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 12:37 PM
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] Brake pressure regulator

Hi q-friends,

sorry I haven't been that active on the list lately. But now to my question.

after a spirited drive with my -88 MB on the countryside, I noticed that the
brake fluid level was low. I traced the problem to the brake pressure
regulator (not sure thats the right name, but it is the device that sits
below the brake master cylinder, which divides the pressure between the
front and the back in case of a falure)

well back to the problem. The pressure regulator seems to be leaking. Has
anybody repaired this, or do I have to search for a new one? I suppose its


Johan H
Helsinki, Finland
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