[urq] UPG 25 Road Trip

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Thu Jul 31 22:19:19 PDT 2008

If you want an extra body... call.? I will be home all day Friday, Saturday, and part of Sunday.? I would also gladly take parts off of my project '83 if you need them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Eiche <seiche at shadetreesoftware.com>
To: URQ <Urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 25 Road Trip

It has been funny that I have had a few "I just happened to be in the 
neighborhood" or "would you happen to have this little part" or "don't bother 
sending it, I'll come pick it up" visits to my place by the local urq guys 
lately.  Funny how they just so happen to be wearing business clothes with ties.  
I don't want a cape, they tend to get caught in power tools. ;)

At this point I'm not stressed about getting it done in time.  Just getting back 
to it has been good.  I've also run into trouble getting parts when vendors say 
they will get them to me.  For example, ALL the bolts and brackets for the car 
were supposed to be CAD plated, heat stress relieved and ready for pickup by 
this past Monday.  Not done yet. Fuel lines?  Going to have to make new ones as 
the ones I paid for over a year ago still haven't been shipped from Germany.  Oh 


Ben wrote:
....as for a "Certain Pearl car"......I saw it the other day and a
"Certain somebody" would deserve a cape of some sort because they would
need to be superhuman to get it running and drivable in the next 10

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