[urq] Re gas pedal weirdness

John Stone stones at igrin.co.nz
Thu Jun 5 14:28:11 PDT 2008

Hi guys,

My 86 WR did the same thing last week and I also now need both bushes,
checked locally and in the UK, only #431 721 559 still available. Martin,
what's the VW plastic bushing part number? The Passat shares the 431 bush,
looking at the EKTA all the Golfs have a different part fitted, is that the
one you are thinking of?






Steve Marinello wrote:


>Well guys...finally got upside down to see which part of the linkage had
given way and, as expected, it was the bushing, >or bushings.  At first, I
couldn't find anything but dust, but then I found the aluminum plate piece
(#5 in the ETKA >diagram) in the floorboards under the back edge of the

>The reason it 'worked' afterwards is that when I pulled up on the pedal,
the circular end piece managed to go past and >hook behind the end of the
throttle cable, hence the higher pedal.  The problem is that I can't even
see the other >assembly (15) and have no idea how the aluminum plate is
supposed to 'mount' up there at all.  I've definitely lost >flexibility
since the last time, and only managed to slice up my wrist so far while
accomplishing nearly zilch.  There's >a plastic housing to the right (HVAC,
I assume) and, as I said, I can't see the other piece.

>I seem to remember asking this many years ago, but why isn't it just the
pedal assembly hooked to the cable?  Where/What >does that other assembly
hook to?


>Anyway, the Audi p/n for the front (#6) bushing, 431 721 559, is still good
and 'only' $10, but not in stock at the Audi >dealer, but at the same parent
owner VW dealer across town has one.  The VW plastic one, p/n, 191 721 559,
is not in >stock at the either VW dealer, the closer one quoted almost $12.
Cross listing at the local FLAPS yielded one that should work for about
$1.50 each.  Since he had to order them, I ordered five.  Wonder how long
they'll last?


>Martin, the second bushing is NLA and no part number in ETKA.  I also love
that my Bentley doesn't even show the throttle >linkage anywhere, unless I'm
blind.  SO I've got the one diagram, but still don't know how it really goes
together, >particularly with the aluminum plate.


>As always, guidance and advice is greatly appreciated.






Martin Pajak wrote:

> Hi Steve,


> The actual pedal itself is suspended on two bushings (plastic) and 

> circlips on either end.

> So.. either one of the bushings has failed, or one of the circlips are


> You sure the pedal itself has moved?


> You could also have a failed throttle cable bushing... those are foam 

> and designed to fail when you least expect it.

> There is a VW plastic bushing that does the trick and will never fail..

> you will need two of those and might as well when you are in there.

> I have few of those in my dungen if you can't find them.



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