[urq] stumbling under boost

Johan Hisinger milisen at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 13 05:25:32 PDT 2008


it sounds a lot like a massive air leak...

I had a stumbling problem a few years ago, after looking for air leaks etc. 
the problem was sorted with a change of fuel injectors. The spray pattern of 
the  old injectotrs were tested, and it was so good that the workshop did 
not suspect these at first.

Helsinki, Finland
-88 MB

From: "fdekat" <fdekat at sentex.net>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 6:43 PM
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Subject: [urq] stumbling under boost

>> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On 
>> Behalf
>> Of Gary Brown
>> Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 6:29 PM
>> To: urq at audifans.com
>> Subject: [urq] stumbling under boost
>> Hey guys-
>>  Having an issue...
>> My 85 urq runs great, except it has developed a nasty
>> stumble at full throttle and full boost.
>> Can't find a vacuum leak and duty cycle readings seem
>> to be correct.
>> While crusing at 4k RPM, part throttle, I see around
>> 66%. Full throttle is 77-79%.
>> Rotor was a little crisp, but I sanded it back to its
>> shiny self.
>> No difference.
>> Thoughts?
>> Gary
> I have been having a similar problem. Only in my case it's more 'stumbling
> under any acceleration at all'.
> Following Craig Cook's suggestion, I put a voltmeter on the o2 sensor 
> output,
> which told me that mixture was going lean whenever motor was stumbling
> That leads to two possible situations: Lack of fuel delivery, or ignition
> missfire (A missed ignition event makes the o2 sensor think 'lean' as all 
> the
> oxygen is still in the unburnt mixture).
> (In your case though, I'd think the duty cycle would go to 'full rich' if 
> the
> o2 sensor though mixture was lean. Maybe?)
> After messing around measuring fuel pump voltage (and relacing some
> 'overheated fuel pump wiring'), and doing a 'fuel delivery test', 
> concluded
> problem wasn't fuel.
> Measureing spark plug wine continuity (two wires measured 'open'), and
> looking at sparks (kind of lame), I'm concluding I have an ignition 
> problem.
> Further testing with some new wires and different coil are in order, but 
> I'm
> thinking that's where *my* problem may lay.
> Of course, CIS is involved, so the quantity of variables that *could* be 
> the
> cause of your problem is still quite large...  :-)
> Regards,
> =Frank=
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