[urq] Didn't know if you all might be familiar with this

Thomas Pollock tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 09:32:34 PDT 2008

I think it's because I'm, ahem, "older" but I'm not gonna make the same mistake with my urq I made with several cars when I was "younger".  as a fer-instance, I sold my 70 split grill z28 for $200 just to get it out of my parents driveway... doh!  and at around the same time, a buddy sold his 65 mustang gt (289 ho) for around the same money. 
  granted I REALLY don't expect the urq to appreciate to anything close to what the old muscle cars did but my kids are already fighting about "who gets what" when I'm gone... 8-)
  I'm doing it for them, yeah, thats it, doing it for them,,,  double doh !

Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:
  Everybody is a whore. What's your price? Just throwing numbers out but
how many people would turn down $20,000 for their car - and with the
exchange it's still cheap for the Euro folk...

Yes of course there are always a few "I would never sell my car no
matter what" but there are plenty who would sell....


-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of djdawson2 at aol.com
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:28 PM
To: audiqtrocp at aol.com; urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] Didn't know if you all might be familiar with this

Yeah... I was going to say WTF?? They got what... 10,000 of them to our
600, and we're sending them BACK?

Oh well, I 'spose that'll make the rest of ours more rare and valuable.?
So... how many '85s are we down to?


-----Original Message-----
From: audiqtrocp at aol.com
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 7:14 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] Didn't know if you all might be familiar with this


STOP the F#$%@#* MADNESS!!!

C'mon guys, are things REALLY that BAD that we have to send our car back

This is happening in SO many camps right now, its sickening. Not only
are they 
raping us because the dollar is weak, but its too hard to bring
something back 
into the USA once its gone.

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