[urq] Announcing the Rocky Mountain Quattro Celebration '08

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sat Mar 29 21:52:59 PDT 2008

COOL!  The time still fits in my availability window, so I will keep the
time open and will do what I can to attend.

I had coffee this morning with Wolff, Tony and Al and we did talk a little
about possible left coast UPG venues ... and the Park City event was
discussed.  My car's been to Colorado before ... where it gained certain
notoriety at Devil's Playground ... so we (DA900222 and I) need to return to
clear our record ... :-)

I assume that you mean "quattro" in the generic sense, not just ur-quattros,

Thanks Doug (and all others who are working to put this together)

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

Reserve the weekend of August 9, 2008, as we're planning a big event  
celebrating 25 years of quattros and Sport quattros in North America.  
Full details have not yet been finalized, but here is what we have  
planned so far:

Saturday, August 9. Mountain drives, activities in  and around Glenwood 
Springs followed by a banquet and socializing with  special guest 
speakers (one lined up so far) significant in the development  of the 
quattro in North America.

Sunday, August 10. Group drives and  show and shine event, with possible 
track time, at the Aspen Racing and  Sports Car Club track.

The date has been reserved at the track, which is  now a private country 
club track in Woody Creek (Aspen), CO. Actual track  time (with 
insurance, corner marshals, emergency staff, etc.) will depend  upon 
interest, as it will add significantly to the rental fees. We would  love 
to have this option available.

We are currently working on event  sponsorship, possible Audi corporate 
support, as well as other possible  events, such as a group drive up 
Pikes Peak in the days before,  etc.

This has the potential to be a major event, and we would like to  gage 
support from ur quattro and Sport Quattro owners. Glenwood Springs was  
chosen for the base location is it is a central with incredible scenic  
mountain roads, sporting activities (hiking, fishing, biking, whitewater  
rafting - you name it), etc. all within close proximity. Glenwood  
Springs also has the world renown hot springs and pool. We are currently  
working on reserving rooms and banquet facilities, in addition to the  
track which has been tentatively reserved. Once the block of rooms is  
secured, we will announce the exact location.

Our goal is to make  this an affordable, family friendly, national, and 
possibly international  event. Considering the strength of the Euro these 
days, perhaps we may even  get some Europeans attendees. To that end, we 
are also looking to announce  this in the UK and German quattro forums. 
Do note that this is intended to  be an ur quattro/Sport Quattro event.

More information will be posted on  the quattro forums and mailing lists 
as it becomes available as well as on  the up coming event website.

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