[urq] I'm the type of guy that shouldn't own a urq.

Thomas Pollock tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Mon May 19 10:14:15 PDT 2008

I'm like Steven on this. I do most of my own work as long as it doesn't require a special tool... 8-)  There's quite a bit of local knowledge but I can't be buggin these people constantly and the only shop I really trusted to work on it closed down over a year ago. As I look through my shop folder it's actually been fairly reliable in the 4yrs or so that I've owned it. Accelerator cable bushings that disintegrated while on the road which I managed to Mcgyver in order to get home. A broken hood cable that I again was able to McGyver, and one intake hose, but thats about it ! 
  Just took it out of storage a week ago and for the first time since I've owned it, I managed to get a good inspection sticker. I normally just enjoy it cruising around town or the random local cruise night but with the new sticker this past weekend I got brave and drove it down to the N.E. Spring Audi Bash in RI. maybe 100 miles away. It ran flawlessly. Kind of funny that a lot of folks there didn't know what to make of it, including some of the sales staff. Who knows, maybe I'll lose my mind and reconsider urq25...
  pointer to my spring bash pics if your interested. (startin to dig the S5's!)

Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:
  Don't be afraid - just drive it. They like to be driven - they love
roadtrips. Back when I was blissfully ignorant of the ins and outs of
ur-quattros and CIS - I naively jumped in my car and drove from Denver to
Monterey, CA for the Auto Union '99 Historics. Not a tool. Not a spare
part. 120k miles on the car back then.

Had a great time - not a single issue (other than the big speeding ticket in
Nevada). Enjoy the car!


-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of steven j
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 11:23 AM
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] I'm the type of guy that shouldn't own a urq.

I've always gone to the dealer for parts on all makes - even for my Fords
and dodges, but more important I don't know what to do when parts are NLA.
There were 3 possible URQ specialist shops within 90 miles of me, but as it
turned out the two I tried didn't seemed thrilled to work on my car back in
2004. One eventually said he wanted to set it on fire, the other just
seemed to ignore it. I paid one guy $3800 for repairs and the other $640.

I like the urq - have enough money to enjoy the car if parts were available,
but I don't have a lot of time. I can't be searching the world for parts.
I'm also afraid to drive it (WX) more than 100 miles from home. I don't
know the ins and out of CIS or the flywheel pins, the dizzy etc, nor do I
think most professional mechanics would. I know one guy quoted me $4/mile
for towing - so I always think if it breaks down 200 miles from home I'm
facing $800 just to recover the car.
If it had the MC - I'd probably feel more confident that someone could fix a
breakdown. What if the NLA rear diff seal goes though?
I went to upg CT twice - but that's only 60 miles away and there were pros
available if my car wouldn't start for the trip home. steve

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