[urq] revolting sport-hood deadbeats

audiqtrocp at aol.com audiqtrocp at aol.com
Tue May 20 21:55:01 PDT 2008

Man, I knew Ed Kowbel back in about '95 after I got my Mars UrQ.  I think he touched it once and broke it twice...

I was SO leery of the group buy when I heard his name associated with it, especially after being burned by the LAST sport hood group buy Dave Bergeron style...

It makes me glad I jumped on the 'lowly' fiberglass hood that turned up in Reno last spring.

Ed was always a guy that promised more than he could deliver, in both knowlege and and ability.  But he sure talked the talk...

I can't help but raise the question again:  What does it take to get a friggin sport hood reproduced in this country?!?!!??!?!?!?

With all the boat builders and fiberglass shops in Eds area I figured he may actually get it done so I never intervened. 

I bet if everyone would have just settled for fiberglass there would have been hoods deliverd

-----Original Message-----
From: djdawson2 at aol.com
To: jim at almgt.com; qshipq at aol.com; dgraber460 at aol.com; bob at maxboostracing.com; brogers at terrix.com; urq at audifans.com
Sent: Tue, 20 May 2008 9:42 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] Subject: Re:  Group B for sale, not revolting

That was the car... and it's back in FL.

Ed?Kowbel has come through with nothing, nor has he returned any of our money.? 
Collectively, I believe the group lost about $11,000 to Ed.? What a great guy.? 
Hope no one on this list uses him for their Audi work.

Look forward to seeing you in Glenwood... I hope to get there myself.



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