[urq] urq custom paint jobs

Magnus Säll cerwinski at hotmail.com
Wed May 21 22:37:16 PDT 2008

Hi there,

Urq with flames; here u go. I say "no" ;)









Best regards,
Magnus Säll

> From: p.carlier at pandora.be
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 21:15:47 +0200
> Subject: [urq] urq custom paint jobs
> In a nuttshell : 
> I've got this great 1981 ur-q body . Bought it as an empty shell . 
> No engine, gearbox , interior , dash , wheels etc . But for an '81 the body is in great 
> shape , and the price was ridicoulisly low . Then I started collecting parts . 
> A wrecked S2 donated the 3B engine and complete drivetrain and suspension , urS4 six speed transmission , 
> CQ black leather interior . Audi 80fox extended dash ( taxisdah ) . 
> Anyway , everything  needed to make an absolutely great car is available now . 
> Then I was thinking , as its really gonna be a parts bin on wheels anyway . Hardly any original part 
> left besides the shell and the windows . Why should I stick with the original colours . 
> Altough I'm very fond of the antracite black . And if the coulours are not gonna be original , why not 
> do a custom paint job .  
> When I was 20 years younger , I did a flame paint job on my first car . 
> It was an ugly , underpowered worthless piece of junk really .   
> But nowadays people in our village still remember that flaming Renault R12 . 
> So I was wondering . Are there any good examples of custom painted ur-q out there . 
> Like to see some pictures if there are . 
> Don't know if I'de go for flames again . After al I'm not a 20 year old kid anymore . 
> Bu then again the ur-q is not an underpowered ugly piece of junk is it  . 
> Thoughts , examples .... 
> Fire away :)) 
> Pat 
> Belgium 
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