[urq] ~83 Brown leather interior color

j.koenig koenigj at comcast.net
Mon Nov 10 08:05:48 PST 2008

IMHO, the angle of the quattro windshield is just right to capture the reflection of the 
top of the dash, which I find somewhat annoying.    It may be quattro urban legend, but I 
know I've heard that this was one reason Audi went with the 80 windshield frame, etc., on 
the Sport.  If I were going to go to that amount of work, I'd be tempted to go for a less 
reflective material, something like the suede-like material Ferrari used on the GTOs and 
many of its '60s racecars (maybe others).  Should offer lots of color choices, at least. 
I'm sure there are those who would hate it...
Good luck!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl C." <007css at live.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 10:58 PM
Subject: [urq] ~83 Brown leather interior color

Hi, i been looking more and more at my urq early model cracked dash and decided to remove 
it from the car. I'm thinking of wrapping it in leather. So far i removed all the top 
parts of the rivets for the defrost ducts, the main part seems to have shrunk and broken 
in 3 pieces (fiberglass the seams ?)... Found some nice mickey remnants there too lol. I 
still need to drill bigger holes for bigger rivets to come and to remove the remainder of 
the old ones. Right now i have a few options and would love to hear some decision input: i 
have a problem choosing which color of leather i should wrap it in, satin black, 
black..will it be too flashy might be a glare problem? , the original  graphite black or 
original brown to go with everything else like seats and doors. Also id like to wrap up 
the shifter center console while i'm at it since it's chipped where the screw is at the 

Would anyone know what color code of dark brown the early urqs used for the leather seats 
and doors and what color was used for the console? It looks lighter than the seats or is 
it age fade?

I've been looking a kysonleather and some canadian locals on fleabay prety cool prices and 
a cheap alternative to a better looking dash. I just need to brush up on my sewing skills 
to make the end corners, rest looks pretty much stick, push and pull.

Wonder if my 9th grade home ec class will finally pay off :P that was the last time i 
thouched a sewing machine.

off topic:
Update off the wategate exhaust brackets / evil audi joke thread, i have reinstalled 
everything (cept the two brackets). Welded new nuts for the front subframe. Man those 
subframe bushings weren't free at the dealer ~200$ for the 4 etka lists them at 10 and 16 
or something. What a rip but i couldn't find those listed anywhere else other than 034 
metal replacements. Imo that would transfer lots of noise to the body.  I've revved the 
engine again and the vibration is now gone :). I also changed the ecu to a chipped mac 10, 
i had a nice full harness sitting here. So i can get electronic boost control and the use 
of a knock sensor, i din't do anything bout the decel valve i read they get stuck allot or 
idle valve either but seems to run nice.I sort of like the mechanical idle valve better 
anyways, never gets stuck. Not sure of the hp gains i'll get. The code derived from 
someone here i think but long time ago. I don't want to over abuse of the old 140+mls 
engine either.


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