[urq] One cool magazine.

Ed Torres bike-doctor at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 21 08:05:02 PST 2008

I agree the Brandon, I least we can enjoy the talk on the old stuff.  But I got to say I am always looking if I see an UR-quattro there too.
1985 UR                              ~~  __o                      ~~~~ _   \  < _   Ed Torres  ~~~~~ (     ) /  (     )  ™RIDE SAFE & SMOOTH!!  
  > From: brogers at terrix.com> To: larichard at plguide.com; urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 09:14:12 -0700> Subject: Re: [urq] One cool magazine.> > Of all the mags - C&D, R&T, Motortrend (worst!), European car, etc - they> have all turned to crap IMO - Automobile has it's good parts, yes, but still> let it lapse a couple years ago. The magazine I have been _really_ enjoying> for the last 2 years is Hemmings Sports & Exotic. No new car reviews, all> old stuff - sports and exotics - hence the name. I'm not into the old> British stuff (which the mag is slanted to) - but it's a lot more fun to> read about than the new Prius and Accord....> > Brandon> '84 ur> > -----Original Message-----> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf> Of Louis-Alain Richard> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:59 PM> To: urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com> Subject: [urq] One cool magazine.> > > I know not everyone likes Automobile Magazine. But I kinda appreciate the> style. In the last issue (the DEC 08 with the Volt on the cover), there is> one magnificent article on the Citroen DS, one car that (you know me now.)> I'd really love to own one day. That Sam Smith makes me jealous : we do the> same job, but I'd pay the Devil big bucks to write this kind of automotive> "love affair".> > > > And to be Audi contented a bit, that same guy has a lot in common with us :> > > > http://blogs.automobilemag.com/6264133/car-ramblings-reviews/this-man-has-a-> dream-and-god-bless-him-for-it/index.html > > > > Louis-Alain> > Who needs a cross-country road trip to get out of his "office at home".> Anybody has a car to pick in Vancouver ?> > _______________________________________________> Audifans urq mailing list> Send posts to: mailto:urq at audifans.com> Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/urq> > North American Celebration of the 25th Anniversary for the urquattro:> http://www.urq25.com/> > Pictures/Polls/Database at: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/urquattro/> > You can help keep the audifans site running by shopping at> http://audifans.com/shop/> > _______________________________________________> Audifans urq mailing list> Send posts to: mailto:urq at audifans.com> Manage your list connection: http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/urq> > North American Celebration of the 25th Anniversary for the urquattro: http://www.urq25.com/> > Pictures/Polls/Database at: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/urquattro/> > You can help keep the audifans site running by shopping at http://audifans.com/shop/
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