[urq] Radio Shack UrQuattro RC car

urq urq at pacbell.net
Tue Oct 28 22:27:38 PDT 2008

... I should have the manual somewhere ... I'll look up if it discusses chargers ... I am pretty sure it did not come with one.  I've used rechargeable batteries, but I use an external charger.

Since these things do have some sort of value on the market I'd imagine painting one would reduce its value ... but as I say about my full size specimen ... "value" presumes that you're going to sell it ... 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----
I know there are a handful of owners out there with the Radio Shack radio controlled UrQ.

I just got one and its in great condition. �I have a few questions about battery combinations.

Is anyone using rechargeable batteries? �In the trunk of the car there is what looks like a plug to recharge the batteries, does anyone have the specs on the charger? �Maybe I could get a universal charger from Radio Shack and use some modern rechargeable batteries?

Second, do I keep it stock and run the vintage Radio Shack livery? �Or repaint it to mach my Helios UrQ?? �;o]

Thanks y'all
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