[urq] re mileage contest....

Robert Pastore pastorer at optonline.net
Thu Sep 18 18:57:34 PDT 2008

C'mon, Brandon, let me be in this contest!   The summer trip came in at 
7,738 miles.   The car was great to drive, and I really only had two 
problems during the trip.  I blew a boost hose in Las Vegas, and had to use 
chewing gum, crazy glue and duct tape to hold it together until my friends 
in Glenwood Springs rescued me with a replacement hose.   The second problem 
I had was that my A/C would blow cold at idle, but as soon as I started 
pushing the car, my A/C was no longer cold.    Dave Dawson diagnosed the 
problem perfectly.  The little black and white plastic check valve for the 
hvac flap vacuum motor had gone bad, and the system worked fine on vacuum, 
but  any boost would blow past the failed check valve, and move the flap 
actuator to dump the cold air and direct ambient air into the cabin.   We 
just ziptied the flap into the closed position, and all five of us were a 
lot happier with decent A/C on the 2,000 mile trip back to NJ.

BTW, the failure on most odometers caused by the gear that drives the 
odometer loosing its press fit on the driven shaft.  The best way to repair 
the Odometer is to stake the gear so and then press fit it onto the shaft 
again.  I've got a great little spring loaded nailset that works perfectly 
to both stake the gear and drive the shaft back into the gear.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
To: "'graham baird'" <boomerbaird at hotmail.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] re mileage contest....

>> ----------
>> From: Brandon Rogers[SMTP:BROGERS at TERRIX.COM]
>> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:25:16 PM
>> To: 'graham baird'; urq at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: [urq] re mileage contest....
>> Auto forwarded by a Rule
> I don't put on that much - maybe 4000-5000 miles/yr....
> Yeah I forgot a lot of odo's stop working - mine works. I _hear_ the 
> reason
> they fail is because people "zero" them while the car is moving - causing
> wear on the gears - don't know if its true tho.  Regardless I only zero it
> when at rest - mine still works...I have 179,000 on my chassis....
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of graham baird
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 7:02 PM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] re mileage contest....
> hey brandon, You are assuming that most urq's have a speedo/ odometer that
> works! How much do you put on in a year?  boomer
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