[urq] I lost my powersteering and then power brakes.

urq urq at pacbell.net
Mon Apr 20 21:01:31 PDT 2009

.... the bomb is used only for brake assist ... the problem reported here is
a loss of steering assist too.  If you have a situation where there's not
enough assist coming from the pump for the steering, you might well see low
reserves in the bomb too.  

It might be worthwhile doing a quick review of the IST to see what the
overall layout of the system is.  One thing I didn't think about before is
that there may be a malfunction of the valve body which is creating a flow
to the return line that is reducing the system pressure.  Since you have the
CGT available you might want to see if you can rig something that bypasses
the bomb/valve body/brake assist and see if your steering works better ....
of course you'll likely have no brake assist, so be careful.  It might be
easier to simply swap the pump from the CGT in to the urq.  

OBTW, I had a leak on the brake booster that caused the Dexron to leak into
the passenger compartment ... twas nice and dry outside the car ... :-(

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

How many pedal pumps ?


-----Message d'origine-----

I lost my powersteering first - that got me to open up the hydrolic
reservoir for the first time in 5 years.   I I pumped the pedal a bunch of
times, It was down about 3 inches, so pulled the suction hose & drained it,
checked the filters ,  replaced the paper 857???384 filter and topped it up
with Dexron III.   The woody bottom filter looked ok.    After that on the
roadtest the power assist for the brakes also disappeared 90% of the time.  
So I've driven it here and there but no improvement.  Any ideas if I need a
bomb or new pump?
I haven't noticed any big leaks.   The PS rack boot is torn. 

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