[urq] heater core

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 6 11:25:02 PDT 2009

Is it just blobs of solder left from amnufacture? You could pressure test it 
first. Suggest block one end, pressure to 9lb/in or so (whatever the rad cap 
is) and immerse in water to check for bubbles. If no bubbles you are home 
and dry! (Pun intended - albeit a weak one!)
All the best

'87 WR (off the road for a few weeks while I treat embryonic tin worm) - any 
suggestions of treatment of surface rust (slight pitting) welcomed.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] heater core

Alright, got my core, looks good, aftermarket from Germany.    However, when 
I shake it laterally, something clearly 'rattles" inside.  Sounds like metal 
abacus beads on their rods.  It is not  bit part or two loose internally. 
Water flows through fine, should I just install it?  Any BTDTs?



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