[urq] heater core

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Fri Aug 14 06:50:45 PDT 2009

Why don't you open the old one, we'll then know exactly what's in there ?


-----Message d'origine-----

Maybe some PNs for the database

Firewall hose grommet           861 819 699 A
Heater valve to core IN  hose   321 819 375 D
Heater core OUT to block        321 819 371 E Supersedes 855 019 371
Block to heater valve           855 819 375 R

Very hard to find the leak in the original, though I suspect it was at the 
inlet/outlet flange due to some discoloration I see, otherwise in 
phenomenal shape..  Go figure the original makes the same rattle as the 
replacement, Steve B was probably on the right track about some sort of 
internal baffle.

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