[urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Fri Aug 28 18:27:34 PDT 2009

I have one of the solid Nardi adapters like the one in the link that I 
would sell and gladly ship if someone is interested.

Steve Eiche
Shade Tree Software, LLC
seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
800.419.6896 ext. 902

Martin wrote:
Guys, There are two types of the Nardi/Personal adapter. One is for 
racing only and it's an alloy cast piece. The other is for street use 
and looks like Momo but obviously has a different bolt pattern. Audi 
used to sell the street version through the dealers, I have one new in 
box. Also the street version came in two offsets, one stock and one 10mm 
longer for extended wheel position (really helps with the analogue 
gauges). Here is the "off road" version, guy is unwilling to ship though 
(no idea why). http://houston.craigslist.org/pts/1342728190.html Hope 
this helps.
-- Martin Pajak

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