[urq] Auto Week Supplement Nov 30th: Audi must have

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 14:00:11 PST 2009


That's great!  In all fairness I had my good friend Eric at Autozone Hobbies in Birmingham, Michigan hold on to some of his copies for audifans who couldn't  get them locally. 

Each issue of Autoweek is $3 (supplement or not) and the other $2 was to cover shipping anywhere in the U.S.  Not exactly unfair imo. 

Of course my AW subscription ran out Nov 30th so I just got in under the gun :-)

Ingo Rautenberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Schmidt <schmidt694 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:43:17 
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Subject: [urq] Auto Week Supplement Nov 30th: Audi must have

I was at the parts counter today & my parts buddy asked me if I read
Autoweek.....had I seen the supplement etc.
Then he proceded to tell me that the sales Dept had a stack of them to give
out to prospects.
I grabbed 9 of them from my sales buddy Juan....leaving them just a few.
So Merry Christmas to the first 8 people to e-mail me with their
address...one to each of you no charge.
Please only those of you who don't have it.
Can you believe someone tried to sell a copy for five bucks??
I'm saving one for Nathan......when I see you I'll bring it.
Steve Schmidt
If my dealer has them maybe others do too.
Happy New Year !!
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