[urq] 100 years of Audi, Autoweek Supplement

bob bob at maxboostracing.com
Mon Dec 14 05:45:42 PST 2009

Hi Maurits, Thanks for the ftp creds.
I just put it up there for you.  Thanks for being able to distribute!


Maurits Jonkergouw wrote:
> That's great! Perhaps you can use yousendit.com? Send us the link over the list and it will be avail. for 100 d/loads or else send it to my ftp server and I will post the my server URL.
> ftp.moregraphics.nl
> Login: upload
> Pass: 12upload
> Regards,
> Maurits
> Verzonden vanaf mijn HTC
> ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
> Van: bob <bob at maxboostracing.com>
> Verzonden: 13 dec 09 20:59
> Aan: Urq list <urq at audifans.com>
> Onderwerp: [urq] 100 years of Audi, Autoweek Supplement
> Ive been watching the emails go back and forth about the availability of 
> the Autoweek supplement for the 100 years of Audi. It really good 
> reading, and if you can get your hands on it, I recommend it. For those 
> who cant though, I spent some time today scanning in the whole thing 
> cover to cover and made it a nice pdf file. It came out great, but its 
> kind of big, around 50MB. That being said, Im not real excited about 
> emailing a bunch of copies out there, but if someone has an FTP site I 
> can throw it on where everyone can get to it, that would be great. Maybe 
> a public file sharing site or something?  Its best viewed book style, so 
> you get the full effect of the 2 page photos etc. Oh, and if this is 
> illegal, then forget I even mentioned it :p
> bob
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