[urq] A Arms vs A Arm Bushings?

Huw Powell one at humanspeakers.com
Tue Jun 9 16:40:34 PDT 2009

> -----Message d'origine-----
> So here's my question:
> Does the bushing style and and the  A arm style have anything to do with
> each
> other?
> I was under the impression that the 'early style' A arm bushings were all
> rubber on the outside (and symmetrical, front to back) like this:
> http://www.frankdekat.com/pics/bushing9.jpg 

Hey, what's my picture doing on Frank DeKat's website?  (Ask me know I 
know it's mine ;))

> But then, I find on my urq with the early style  A arms, you can clearly see
> a 'metal outside' style of A arm bushing pressed in, as below...
> http://www.frankdekat.com/pics/control%20bushing%201.jpg 
> So, I'm thinking that the old style and new style bushings are 'functionally
> equivilent', and that the bushings with the outer metal shell that fit the
> new style (2 piece) a arms will also work in the old style a arms.

Anyway, if you look at the pix, the arms ''are'' different - the old 
style has "flares" on both sides for the rubber to snuggle up against.

On the newer style, there is only a flare on the side the bushing is 
pushed in from, IIRC.

Huw Powell



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