[urq] I remember it well : Front Wheel Bearing Shift?

steven j michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 12 18:18:47 PDT 2009

I remember that post because it rang a familiar bell.   Back in 1990 my 83 CGT would make a snapping noise when backing out of the driveway and turning the wheel to spin the car 90 degrees into the street.   Back in 1989 I got some microfiche from Audi (dyna..somethin)  and saw a service bulletin that said this was resolved by a snugger & bigger bearing with tighter tolerances and that it was shifting.

Long story the Audi guys at the dealer laughed at this and told me it was my a-arm bushings - but I told them to just replace the noisy bearings and it was fixed.

When this urq person put this on the list last year I was too timid to suggest it was the same problem (measly cgt) and then felt bad when he said it was resolved by the wheel bearing change.

If really necessary I might be able to track down this service bulletin and it's #.  It was a snap sound more than a clunk though. 

steve murray 

--- On Fri, 6/12/09, fdekat <fdekat at sentex.net> wrote:

From: fdekat <fdekat at sentex.net>
Subject: [urq] Front Wheel Bearing Shift?
To: urq at audifans.com
Date: Friday, June 12, 2009, 12:03 PM

Ok, Here's a puzzler..

I get a 'clunk' in the front, when pulling out of my driveway onto the
(Car kind of 'twists' on it's suspension).

I get the same 'clunk' when pulling out of my parking space at work (And can
recreate it by pulling out, then backing in again) No twising of the
suspension here though, as it's flat.

Convinced that it was something to do with the spring perch (as the spring
kind of unloads when I pull out of my driveway) , or top strunt mount, I
pulled out the front strut for a look. Surprisingly, no sign of sillieness at
the spring mounts, and the top bearing was good. Hmm..??

Put it all back without finding anything, and noise is still there.

Thinking about it.. I seem to remember a long time ago that someone had a
similar noise (may have been on a 5k, on the old 'quattro' mail list?) , and
had tracked it down to the wheel bearing shifitng sideways within the strut
housing. That does seem to be consistant with the noises I hear, as I only
get it when the front wheel sideways load does a large shift in direction
(like a sharp turn when backing into a parking spot).

(Of course, I hadn't though up this theory when the strut was out, and easy
to test..)

What I don't remember, was how the person that came across this problem
solved it.  Does anyone remember this similar problem, and what the solution


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