[urq] Howl cont...

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 07:34:24 PDT 2009


I agree with Dave, as my experience has been with a higher-pitched whine when the drive shaft and heat shield would make contact (especially when snow gets packed in between the body and heat shield -- not likely now), and have also had the lower-pitched groan/ howl of the center support bearing when it's lost it's grease. At the earlier stages of failure, it'll make the noise until everything's warmed up enough to distribute what grease is left. Of course, soon there will be no more grease.  

Now if it's a wheel bearing, it can get so bad that directionality (meaning no matter which way you turn) has no effect on the noise. Had the left rear do that on the '83. 
Perhaps you can stay in the car and shift through the gears while it's on a lift and your friendly tech can better tell where the noise is coming from underneath the car. 

Good luck. 

Ingo Rautenberg

-----Original Message-----
From: lawson.d at comcast.net

Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 14:03:47 
To: urq<urq at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [urq] Howl cont...

Hi Jim, 

From your description I will go with some type of friction due to drivetrain rotation. Things to check: 
-stuck brake calipers/pads 
-center driveshaft bearing(Hackl and I did this on his car a while back and when bad it makes a good howl inside the car) 
-check the tranny fluid also rear diff fluid 
-I also like the idea of heatshield rubbing on axle or drive shaft, check for that. 

Good luck with the search. 

> Thanks guys for the ideas......I've had the exhaust riding on the rear 
> axle before, and this is not it. Seems like it is coming from the front 
> of the car.....sometimes it seems like the right side, then sometimes the 
> left......sometimes it will change "pitch" while still going the same 
> speed.....sometimes I can hear it all the way down to a stop, but it will 
> never start until about 20mph. Turned off the car while still rolling 
> about 20mph and the howl was still there. Still have not been able to 
> hear it outside the car personally, but not known if it actually makes a 
> detectible noise from outside the car. I've messed with the HVAC 
> controls, etc. to no avail. 
> Made another visual inspection all around and didn't see anything amiss 
> once again. 
> I'm stumped...... 
> Jim Fleischer 
> '83 ur 
> '95 s6 avant 
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