[urq] Clunk on Backing Out

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 11:15:19 PDT 2009

A few other things that I've had happen to me:

Disintegrated front sway bar rubber bushing.

Improperly attached strut to ball joint (not seated properly.  Really  
need to use a pry bar on a-arm and slightly lift the strut housing to  
match the notch for the  bolt to properly seat/position before  
tightening (not the split -- that's  a non-no).  Also, only use the  
same hardened bolt and warped locknut.  And iirc, you're only  
supposed to put the bolt in one way -- head towards front of car?


On Jun 15, 2009, at 12:38 PM, CARDCONSYS at aol.com wrote:

> I had a 1984 4000Q which  had exactly the same 'reversing out of  
> driveway
> clunk' problem. It was cured  immediately by replacing one of the  
> wheel
> bearings. I may even have the old  receipt somewhere!
>     Martin Dapot
>     83 UrQ(without clunk)
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