[urq] UrQ Bigger Thinner Brake Question

Thatcher Hubbard thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 17:05:35 PDT 2009

No direct experience, but check the BIRA System 1:

Uses Boxster Monoblocks over an A8 rotor.  They say it works with the Urq,
even with 16" wheels.  Don't know about width though.  I suppose a wider
spacer is out of the question?

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 7:04 PM, AF <afinn1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I really need the collective wisdom of the group (even including Mr.
> Dupree). The Kerscher deep dish wheels I have on the V8 UrQ look great, but
> they don't leave much clearance for big brakes behind the 5 spokes. I've
> currently got an H&R 10mm spacer and I've got A4 calipers on there. Not too
> much more clearance is available (this is lateral clearance, not diameter
> clearance as the wheels are 17inch). Is there a better brake available?
> 2Bennett doubts the sport quattro calipers would be better, but I have no
> experience.... so... to sum up... looking for a big brake kit that isn't
> "thicker" than the A4 calipers but can be bigger in diameter than the A8
> rotor. Thanks.
> Andrew Finney
> 1985 V8 UrQ
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