[urq] NAC : Electrical draw on an average car...

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 5 14:52:06 PST 2009

HI everyone,


I want to write a text about the pros and cons of the Start&Stop and
regenerative braking systems that will be popular very soon on non-hybrid


Now, I need to evaluate the average and peak amperage draw of an average
car. Peak is at 75 amps, average is 20 amps in my calculations.

Second, from what I know, an alternator is only efficient at 50-60%. Is this
true ?

Third, a gasoline engine efficiency is around 30%, right ? 


So, from that, at peak draw (winter driving, all lights, rear defrost, seat
heaters, blower, etc) :

- 75A at 14V = 1050 W


- Engine draw is double. 2100W. 


- At 30% efficiency, those 2100W needs 7000W of fuel energy. That is 7kW/h
for an hour of driving.


- Fuel energy is 10 kW/h/liter


Thus, those 75A during 1 hour are worth 70% of a liter of gas : in Qubec
today, that is 65¢. 


During summer, amperage would be 1/3, so 22¢ an hour.


Are my calculations OK ? Can I print this ? :-) 



1983 Quattro 

(whose 150mA draw is still an unsolved mystery.)



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