[urq] If this is new? And is sold? Hummm is it still under orig Mfg warranty???

louis-alain.richard at sympatico.ca louis-alain.richard at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 19 09:00:15 PDT 2009

And bumper plugs are missing, no ?

And I don't see much plumbing behind the igloo where the fuel lines are usually... And the coil is not centered in its bracket, a clue to aftermarket spark plug and coil wires.

And the rear wiper is parked on the wrong side. 


-----Message d'origine-----
De : urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Mike Sylvester
Envoyé : 19 mars 2009 08:34
À : Martin Pajak
Cc : 'urq'
Objet : Re: [urq] If this is new? And is sold? Hummm is it still under orig Mfg warranty???

It is hard to tell in those low res photos, but I don't think it has any
decals either.
If someone were really selling a 5000 mile urq, they would certainly
have posted high res photos to show off how nice the car is.
Not some crappy pictures of the car in the back yard next to the plastic
tarp fencing and chicken wire.  I'm sure the plastic is to hide the
double wide.

It may still have the Certificate of Origin.  A dealer may have kept it
and drove it on their dealer plate for the last 26 years, then rolled
back the odo as Martin suggested.

Does Bill Bremmer have this car in his registry (WAUDC0851DA900508)?



> -------- Original Message --------
> Even with tiny pics, for a new car this one has a lot of things "wrong"
> with it.
> Headlight surrounds are wrong (look like early Coupe all chrome), the rain
> tray is missing, and why is a piece of wood used to hold the hood up?
> Trunk lid licence plate portion is red, should be black "sticker" type
> material covering it.
> Truk lid is all red, should be black under the spoiler.
> Plastic caps for strut tops are missing, as well as the firewall seal and
> those two foam thingies on each side.
> That's all I have noticed, for now.. ;)
> All of the above suggests a complete respray, turn the odo back and you
> have a brand new car.
> I requested more/larger pics so I can see exactly what's up with this one.
> I'll keep my observations public in case someone is interested in this one.
> Cheers
> -- 
> Martin Pajak
> http://www.quattro.ca 
> 1982 Audi Ur-quattro, SQ project
> 1983 Audi 80 quattro, Euro 2-Tür
> 1986 Audi 4000cs quattro, 2,5 TDI mit 6 gang
> 1987 Audi 4000s quattro, wintervagen mit 7A und 5 bolt :)

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