[urq] Getting hands dirty ] Help with NLA parts - 857 422 385
koenigj at comcast.net
Sun Mar 22 20:03:51 PDT 2009
Not many "car guys" left at the top side of VAG anymore...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ingo Rautenberg" <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
Yup. BMW and Merciless Benz both have virtually any part you want available. I know more
than a few classic car lovers that wanted to get older audis but have decided not to
because of the parts situation. It really is sad (not so much from a business standpoint,
but more so of a product support and customer loyalty standpoint).
And thereby a crucial part of the marque's reputation imo.
Ingo Rautenberg
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>
My year old purchase of an 80's BMW has really brought the woefully Audi parts situation
to the fore. I can get virtually every nut and screw in a few days from the dealer or on
Found the filters below @ onlinebmwparts.com (a dealer!)
32-41-1-123-323 - $17
32-41-1-120-715 - $9
The fact the Audi can't even keep track of cross referenced NLA parts that are still out
there is typical. No way a old Audi purchase takes front row to an old BMW purchase any
more in my mind.
> --- On Thu, 3/19/09, Lino M. Valadas <lvaladas at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> It's an Ur-Quattro!? Price is irrelevant.? ;-)
> 32-41-1-123-323 - $47.15? Canadian dollars
> 32-41-1-120-715 - $$20.40 Canadian dollars
> At the BMW parts counter.
> Lino
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