[urq] Pike's Pike GTG
qshipq at aol.com
qshipq at aol.com
Tue May 5 08:35:46 PDT 2009
I hope this gets lost in the archives....?? Let me address your posts as I've read them in the last two days.? First, I've known you for over 10 years, and during that time considered you a friend.? During that time, I have never known you in the context of an event organizer. To be honest, that's a lot of years to reiterate the excuses I read in your posts here.? Please tell me I'm mistaken.
With regard to *my* involvement in this effort.? Last year I kibitzed Urq25 from 1100miles away, speaking directly with several organizing members at least a couple times a week.? This year, I saw the vision and the potential in the 100year/Urq26/Pikes Peak effort, and forced myself in when I saw the internet rumors intensifying beyond what I knew to be true.? This effort was a massive bridge to be inclusive, and felt I could help it be so.? Inclusive of Audi AG, inclusive of the Directors of Pikes Peak, and inclusive of the people (not the car) that owned the urquattro.? And don't kid yourself, all these corporate folks read forum posts too!
My background includes Regional Sales Manager for a Phamacuetical Packaging Supplier, and am well trained on how to present a professional attitude and approach in a 'can do' atmosphere.? I'm also well versed in Outlook Calenders putting reality to planning and execution.? Here, we had the talent, the vision and the tools, but ultimately not the time, plain and simple.? Such is the life of volunteers.
That said, you should know when this 'cancel' came up for vote to the very same organizers of Urq25, it was unanimous to 'cancel'.? Reread that Sean, every single vote was 'cancel', each individual organizer knowing plans had been made, and their passion by definition, higher than yours.?
With regard to what you have read.? I don't believe in rumors, I believe the internet can be a good tool, it can also be the H1N1 virus of a lot of misinformation.? We agreed the only way to take this on at a much larger scale with volunteer input, was to make specific portals for presenting information.? M. Teller offered to support that quest by giving us a forum on Audiworld.? I presented to our group that until we had more 'knowns', the best portal was the 100year website.
What you don't know while you, and no one else, was busy traveling?? Hundreds of emails, dozens of meetings, overseas calls, documented worldwide effort and exposure to our vision.? A letter you didn't read from Audi AG, calls and correspondence on a level much more inclusive that Urq25.? Building inclusive bridges beyond 33 Urq's having a weekend together.? That also means, the informality of the internet needed to be replaced with a more formal tone.? A busy guy like you however, could pick up the phone and make 1 call, and learn more than what you read.? It's your choice not to. ? And what you *read* by the way, was almost verbatum the cancelation letter we sent to the Board of Directors of Pikes Peak International.? Please feel free to sent me your edit to make it better!?
Sean, each of your posts on the topic, refer to *you*:? Your time constraints, your other commitments in life, your not being involved, your taking time off, your not doing something because others are...? Puleese, that defines every volunteer on the Urq25 and Urq26 Committee!?
I piss you off?? Sean, people that have a passion that historically do nothing with it, piss me off.? To sit in judgement of those that do demonstrate that passion with inclusive intent, shows the irony and the humor in your charges.?
Cut the sh*t?? Drop it man, you are making a fool of yourself.
Scott J
83 urq
84 Urq
83 urq track car
-----Original Message-----
From: audiqtrocp at aol.com
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Tue, 5 May 2009 8:32 am
Subject: Re: [urq] Pike's Pike GTG
Obviously we both have someone here that irritates the piss out of us. ?For you
its me, for me it's Justusson.
I'll go way out here and put it on the table. ?When I saw Scott address the
group as the Director of Marketing or whatever he called himself, FOR ME, the
event lost credibility.
There is already discussion about something else going on out west, my "else"
term referred to more than me, not other than me.
Go back to my initial cut-the-shit post and take the context as: ?I have already
moved on, lets put something else together.
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