[urq] Engine rebuild ?

Maurits Jonkergouw urquattro at moregraphics.nl
Sat May 16 12:47:49 PDT 2009

Hi Louis-Alan, I just peeked inside the intake manifold by pushing the fat rubber hose away and (wide) opened the throttle valve and felt inside if there was any oil (there wasn't). I also looked with a small 'antenna-mirror' and a LED torch (reflected the light inside the IM) and it also looked dry. Because I did not want to remove the throttle body at this time, I shoved a cloth attached to a piece of wire all the way inside and yes, it returned black, but not 'wet' oil, more like 'residue' oil if you know what I mean, aka 'dry' oil... Not sure if this tells you anything but my gut feeling says it's OK.

Removing the intake- and exhaust manifold is something I can and will not do. Tonight I checked the cold-side of the turbo hoses only with the same 'cloth-on-a-stick' method. Checking the hot side is a little more complicated (need to remove the headlight and jack up the car) which I did not have time for because it's getting dark. I already had done this in the very beginning when I reported this problem on the list (if I remember correctly, you helped then too :-)

Thanks again.


1986 quattro GV

  To rule out the oil separation circuit, take a look at the inside of the
  intake manifold, there will be lots of oil in there. You can remove the
  throttle body and look in it from there.

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