[urq] ABS Failure

Maurits Jonkergouw urquattro at moregraphics.nl
Sun May 24 05:14:46 PDT 2009

Hi again, recently I had the front strut mounts done (at yet another shop) and now the ABS Off light keeps coming ON. If I manually push the ABS Off switch OFF, the light stays on, but if I push the ABS Off switch ON, the ABS light goes out, but turns on again 20 seconds later. I also confirmed the ABS itself doesn't work if no matter the ABS Off light is ON or OFF. 

So the question is: do you need to detach the ABS sensors from the wheels or touch the ABS system in any way in order to replace the strut mounts?

2 steps forward, 8 steps back...



1986 quattro GV

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